Saturday, 2 January 2016

New year resolutions

Join my journey to a better you.

Alright, so every year we make a New Year Resolution and lets be honest, we never stick to it. I couldn't tell you the amount of times I've sworn I'll start the gym and try not to bite my nails. Every year I make the same resolutions and fail miserably. However, this year I am actually going to try my very hardest on working on myself as a person. Here is my list of ways to better myself in 2016!

Photo: Highlight from 2015, Spain with my boyfriend. 

  1. Sleep. Having a good sleeping pattern helps with your physical and mental health. Being a student it is very easy to go to sleep at ridiculous hours in the morning, and wake up at stupid hours in the afternoon. I tend to live off power naps whenever I can squeeze them in. This year I will try to get to bed at a reasonable time and set an alarm for every morning.
  2. Teeth.
    A strange one I know. However, in 2015 I managed to have three fillings, a root canal, and one of my Wisdom teeth pulled. How? Well, I guess I wan't looking after them as well as I should have been. In the new year I promise to brush my teeth twice a day, for a legitimate amount of time! I will floss after eating and use natural whitening products to achieve that glowing smile.
  3. Organisation. 
    I can already see myself struggling with this one. Being organised tends to be incredibly hard for me. I struggle balancing my university deadlines, my social life... even knowing what day of the week it is. I have bought myself a little calendar, and I tend to use it. I have also found that writing lists helps too. Crossing things off a list once you've done them gives you a sense of achievement, and therefore motivation to do more! I am also going to make sure I have a place for everything, and everything's in it's place.
  4. Optimism. 
    Having hopefulness and confidence about the future is something I tend to work into my daily routine. If you believe you will be successful in whatever it is you want to achieve, then it's more than likely you will. Positivity is key!
  5. Friends & Family.
    My friends and family are the most important people in my life. In 2016 I will make as much time for them as possible.  I also want to explore different places with my boyfriend, creating as many memories as I can. 

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