Friday, 8 January 2016

An A-Z list - things to be grateful for!

Feeling a little down? Lacking positivity in your life? Here is a list from A-Z of things I'm grateful for. 
Maybe you should make a list too. 

It's all around you, you just need to open your eyes. Art inspires me everyday. 

B-Best friend's.
There isn't a day that goes by, that my best friend hasn't managed to make me laugh.

Not just my own cat, Henry. But cat video's and pictures are all over the internet making me smile everyday. 

My beautiful little dog, Dollie has been with us for 12 years now. She is one of my best friend's. 

Living in England highlights how lucky I am. There's such beauty in this country.

If I could move 'family' to the top of the list, I would. I adore each and every member of my family.

Whether they're online, on a board or involve drinking, games are one of the best ways to have fun. They allow you to really connect with your families over the holidays, bond with your friends at parties or even just pass the time.

Words can't explain how much I love going on holiday. The sun, the tan, the sea. Love love love.

Could you just imagine your life without the internet? Just stop.

Jam on toast, jam sandwiches, jam in biscuits, jam in cakes... any kind of jam? I'm having it.

K-Kylie Jenner.
Kylie has shown me that you can go from a 4 to a solid 10...with the right contouring. Don't let anyone treat you like you're 2012 Kylie Jenner, you are a 2016 Kylie Jenner.

The feeling, the gestures, the romance, the flowers, the cuddles. I love, love.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not made of money. In fact I'm in a heck of a lot of student debt. However, I'm very fortunate to have a roof over my head and food on the table. 

What more is there to say?

This is something I am personally working on. To all my friends who have optimism towards life inspire me everyday.

Whether I'm sleeping or having a lazy day, Pj's are the best. 

Having some time with my thoughts in the peace and quiet are moments I treasure.

The smell of rain. The sound of rain. The sight of rain. 

Imagine living in a world with no music, where no songs played on the radio and no songs got stuck in your head. We wouldn't even be able to sing happy birthday!

A cup of tea makes everything better.

Going to University was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The friends I've made, the new skills I'm learning, and the sense of independence I've gained is incredible. 

University got the better of me.

I love a glass of wine with my meal when my boyfriend treats me to dinner.

X- X-ray.
And I know what you're thinking. What a cop out? She might as well have put xylophone. But believe it or not I am truly grateful for X-rays. The amount of times I've broken a bone, or thought I'm dying (I'm a hypochondriac)... X-rays have always reassured me that everything's okay.

I have recently found Yoga. It really helps me relax, and doesn't make me feel like a fat lump.

Z-Zoe Sugg.
This lady has shown me that anything is possible when you believe in yourself. If a normal girl like Zoe can make something of her life, why can't I?


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